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Friday, May 8, 2009

Prediction SOAL UN SMP 2009 MATH

1. Results from 12 + 3 x (-2): (-3) = ...
a. 10
b. 12
c. 14
d. 16
2. At the entrance examination of Pergururan Highest Score for a correct answer is 4 and a -1 is not 0. 100 Andi's problem can be said with 60 dijawabnya correct one and the remaining 32 not answered. Score Berpakah earned Andi?
a. 208
b. 210
c. 211
d. 212
3. Two-thirds Jeksa in money to buy books belikannya Mathematics, while the rest to buy food. If used to purchase the book Mathematics is Rp. 4000, which was spent Jeksa?
a. Rp. 1,000
b. Rp. 2,000
c. Rp. 3,000
d. Rp. 4,000

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Category: Prediction, National Exam, Mathematics junior
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